• 2024 Exhibit Judging Criteria

    This is the general criteria entries with be judged upon at the 2024 Home Arts Display Competition.

    broken image

    All Categories shall be awarded 1st, 2nd and 3rd Place Ribbons. Best-in-Show will be awarded for each Age Group.

    A: Produce

    Judging Criteria:

    • Edible quality, freedom from injury, attractive appearance and uniformity

    B: Flowers / Plants

    Judging Criteria:

    • Color, form and size are appropriate to variety, sturdiness, freshness, general appearance, seeds free from mold
    • Largest (sunflowers)

    C: Canned / Jarred Foods

    Note: Judges will NOT taste canned/jarred items. This is very important for food safety reasons. One-piece screw on lids are not acceptable submissions.


    Judging Criteria:

    • Overall Appearance, Container, Seal, appropriate headspace/liquid for method of canning, clarity of liquid, ratio of liquid to contents, appropriateness and uniformity of cuts of contents

    D: Baked Goods

    • Note: Judges will taste these items.

    Judging Criteria:

    • Appearance, flavor, and texture

    E: Fine Arts

    Judging Criteria:

    • Theme, composition and execution

    F: Handmade Crafts


    Judging Criteria:

    • Theme, use of color or form, sturdiness, and execution

    G: Animal Products

    Judging Criteria:

    • Quality, freedom from injury, appearance and uniformity